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We believe that fame is one of the greatest achievements in a human’s life, but these people were  disappeared mysteriously from the public attention:


Most popularly known for being a part of the band Neutral Milk Hotel, Jeff is a singer, songwriter, and an instrumentalist who gained quite a lot of fame but he disappeared after completing his tour in 1997 only to come back in 2002. His whereabouts for those five years are virtually unknown.


Edvard Munch was an artist who is well known even today, most popularly for his painting titled "The Scream'. He was an alcoholic who also suffered from mental illness and in 1908, he decided that he did not want anything to do with fame and spent the rest of his life alone, with just his art.


It wouldn't be a surprise if you didn't know who Steve Ditko was but you definitely know of his work. He, along with Stan Lee created the Amazing Spider-Man. But he soon moved away from creation and lived alone in his apartment without ever talking to the media, unlike Stan Lee, who was very active in his public life.


Bettie Page was a very successful  model in the United States and was known as the Queen of Pinups in the 1950s. But she disappeared from everyone's lives after suffering from depression, bipolar disorder, and paranoid schizophrenia.


Emily BrontÄ› was a very famous author,
most popularly known for writing 'Wuthering Heights'. But the interesting part about her life is that she never made a public appearance or spoke to the media. Most of what we know of Emily's life is through the memoirs of her sister and fellow author Charlotte BrontÄ›.


Bobby Fischer is considered to be the best player in human history, who became a grandmaster at the age of 15. But he had a lot of demands during his matches and stopped playing once they were not met. He then disappeared from public life only to pop up every now and then to give out anti-American and anti-Semitic rhetorics.


Bill Watterson is the creator and writer of what is probably the most famous comic strips of all time, Calvin and Hobbes. But he is also notoriously famous for suddenly cancelling the comic strip in 1995 and
disappearing from the public eye.


Brian Wilson was the member of the ‘hit pop band Beach Boys' which gave a lot of hits on the charts. But in 1964, Brian suffered from a mental breakdown and decided to leave everything and live a very isolated life. He finally decided to seek help for his mental illness in the late 9Os.


Nikola Tesla is the inventor most often credited with the discovery of alternating current, also known as the type of electrical current that runs through power lines and powers our homes. He too suffered from mental illness and stayed away from public light during his lifetime.


Greta Garbo was one of the first actresses to become hugely famous and worked in the era of silent films. Ironically, Gretta hated fame and decided to quit acting at the age of 36 and she avoided public appearances after that.


Despite carrying the title of King of Pop and being one of the world's most renowned superstars in history, Michael Jackson became very reclusive after he was accused of child molestation in 2005. He spent most of his time secluded at the Neverland Ranch, his own private amusement park which came with its Own carnival rides and zoo.


This proves that constant attention from the public and media is not always a good thing and we should look for other ways to find happiness.


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