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If you are travelling in India, you need to carry Some essentials packages with you to make it a worthwhile experience, here are some of them:

A backpack is one of the most essential things you need to carry with you while you are travelling in India. A good and tough backpack can store important things and handle all the pressure that you put it through. You can make your travel much better and easier.

Travel pouch

To avoid pickpocket us and Street Thieves that try to steal your valuables, it is essential that you carry all your things in a travel pouch it under your shirt or t-shirt. Make sure you keep all your valuables and documents in this pouch.

Dust mask

India can be a very polluted country and if you are travelling to New Delhi, a dust mask is more than important. There is a lot of small matter and dust in the air which can be very harmful if you breathe it in. It is a very important travel item that should be used all over the country.

Hand sanitizer

Another very important thing to carry with you is a hand sanitizer sukhi pet in your bag at all times. You may not be able to find water to wash your hands everywhere so this will come in handy. Another good option is to carry antibacterial wipes with you.


The summers in some places in India can last for around 8 months and even the winter sun can make your eyes feel uncomfortable. Having sunglasses is very important to keep
 our eyes cool wide open and from all the dust.

Travel pillow

Travelling by bus or train can be a very bumpy ride and you have chances of hurting your back and neck. To have a comfortable sleep during a journey while you are travelling on the roads of India, keep travel pillow with you.

Ziplock bags

Keep from Ziplock bags with you to keep your electronics food items and other essential things safe. Keeping your food in the open is not safe and you can keep your phone nearby when it is raining.

Travel map

A detailed travel map of India is a very essential item for your travel. You can also get maps for different states and cities which could help you in these places in more detail. Nowadays you can also use the maps that are available in your mobile phones.

Guide book

A guidebook can help you in getting the information on hotels, food, adventures, transportation and other places to visit. It also contains all the important facts about every place that you visit.


If you are staying in a hostel, a budget hotel or a guest house, you might face a power shortage. At this time you will require a
 flashlight or a torch. This is also very essential if you plan to go for a trek or to go camping.

Ear plugs

India can be a very noisy country, even if you are traveling to metro cities or towns. To avoid the sounds of the traffic and other noises, use ear plugs to make the most of your journey and to avoid a headache.

First aid kit

Not just in India, you should keep of first aid get with you no matter where you decide to travel. Have some common medicines and band-aids with you at all times and carry your personal medication kit with you as a doctor auto clean it may not always be around.

Insect repellent

Malaria is the most widespread disease in India carrier mosquito repellent with you, especially during the monsoon season. When applying mosquito repellent also cover your legs because mosquitoes usually bite your toes and legs while you are sitting in a public place.

Luggage locks

Another essential item why you are travelling is a luggage lock. No matter if you are carrying a small suitcase on a large bag, remember to lock your luggage with the seat handles while you are travelling through a bus or train.


As mentioned before the sun can be extremely powerful in India and your skin needs to be protected from it. Use a sunscreen lotion with at least SPF 30 to keep yourself protected at all times.

Flip flops

Given that India can be a very hot country, chatting parent flip-flops with you is probably a good idea. The heat main cause your feet to stink or even get fungus. Flip flops are very easy to carry you can wear it while having a casual walk around the market.

Power adaptor

The electricity supply in India keeps fluctuating and the electric voltage is between 220 and 240 volts AC. Curry power adaptors with round pins and always check the voltage mentioned on your electronic items before applying it to the adaptor.

Water filter

If you cannot always by bottled water, carrier water filter with you and use it when you get water at restaurants or some other places. You can also fill up your water from an open water source and use these water filters to remove all the bacteria and germs.


India can be a very photogenic travel destination and you should bring a good and high-quality travel camera with you to capture all the amazing views that it has to offer. You need to capture the right pictures to hold onto your memories of your travel.


Most of the electronic items mentioned on this list need batteries to run and you don't want these appliances to stop working at important times. So you carry a good amount of battery is with you and never run out of them.


India is one of the most popular destinations to travel across the world and it has many amazing destinations. Use these items to make your travel better and fun.

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